Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on My Learning Journey so Far - 995 Words

Learning in a Changing World has brought on a number of positive learning experiences. The knowledge I have gained and theory I have completed through assessments and in class discussions and tasks has broadened my understanding of learning. It is evident through this text that the theoretical perspectives focused on in this subject have had a place in the process of my learning journey throughout the semester. Whether this learning has been learning a new skill for an assessment, observing learning and assisting teaching on placement or collaborative learning in the tutorials, it is clear a number of theories tie into these learning experiences. As I began my journey of learning a new skill which was how to play a song on the piano, I was†¦show more content†¦I was lucky enough to be placed at Thornbury Primary School for my first week of placement. On many occasions throughout the five days I assisted students with their work, from small group work to working one on one with students. At times it was difficult helping student as some needed more motivation than others, some learnt at a slower rate than others and at times I needed to come up with strategies to tackle challenges I faced. One challenge was assisting a boy in the class who had special needs. The class began with their Reading Workshop and first off everyone was required to read a chapter of their book to a class mate or Pre Service Teacher. Although the boy I was working with refused to read to me, I began to use a number of strategies to motivate him to complete the task at hand. Mooney (2013) expresses Vygotsky’s concept, The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), it has been articulated in this text that this ZPD is the space among what someone is capable of without assistance and what someone is capable of with assistance from a peer or teacher. 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